Step 1 - Education
Start here if you are new to ECM (document management or imaging). Click the link below to learn the basics of ECM and technical training opportunities. Testimonials are also available for review in this step.
Step 2 - Preparation
Now that you reviewed the basics, you are ready for the next step. Click below to learn about what you need to do to begin building your imaging application. An overview of costs is also provided in this step.
Step 3 - Design & Build
Okay, you're educated, and have a vision for what you want to do with OnBase. Let's start building! When you are ready, contact a member of the ECM team to begin reviewing your Readiness Audit so we can create technical specifications.
Step 4 - Go-Live & Support
This section will help clarify what will be required to implement your new imaging application. You will also learn how to maintain and refine OnBase.