Emory VPN Access
Virtual Private Network (VPN) provides off-campus users with secure access to the Emory University's internal network. Emory VPN access uses a standalone client or web browser to establish the remote access connection. It secures traffic by encrypting communications between a remote computer and Emory's network.
Access: Requires a network ID and password. Call 404-727-7777 to complete this process. Currently registration is being waived for University users due to the Covid-19 situation; however, users may be required to also register with the IT Service Desk to gain access to the VPN at a later date. Emory Healthcare users should follow the standard process for gaining VPN access to the Emory Healthcare network.
VPN Client: Windows and Mac users should download the latest Standard Client - this is the preferred VPN access mechanism.
Access URL: vpn.emory.edu
Problems? Check out our VPN Troubleshooting Guide.
Questions: Call the IT Service Desk at 404-727-7777 (Emory University employees and students) or 404-778-4357 (Emory Healthcare employees).
Connection Instructions
Please reference the following knowledgebase articles for instructions to connect to the Emory VPN from the following platforms:
Usage Guidelines
- Only connect to the VPN if you cannot access the Emory network resources that you need without it. If you are unsure, try to access the system without the VPN first, and if you can’t get to it, then feel free to use the VPN.
- Disconnect the VPN after you no longer need it. Following these first two guidelines will help ensure we have plenty of VPN resources for everyone.
- Unless you have no other choice, please use Emory owned and managed devices when connecting to the VPN.
- Users who need elevated VPN access to one of the University restricted network cores (Admin, DMZ, HIPAA, etc), still need to have their supervisor, sponsor, or local support submit a Service Now Catalog Request on their behalf for this elevated access.