Other issues logging in
If you are having issues with your system login, please check these resources.
University Employees
First time user?: Obtain Network ID and Password.
Forgot your Network ID and/or Password?: Call the Help Desk at 7-7777 (404-727-7777). Support technicians are available Monday - Friday, 7:00am - 6:00pm.
Healthcare Employees
Call Center # 8HELP (404-778-4357)
First time user?
Obtain a logon ID and password from your Access Coordinator. We recommend that you use the Password Reset Tool to change your password to prevent unauthorized access of your account!
Forgot your logon ID and password?
Ask your Access Coordinator for your logon ID and you can then use the Password Reset Tool to change your password.
Compatible Browsers
Windows 7 32-bit
- Chrome 24
- Firefox 17
- IE 8
- IE 9
- IE 10
- IE 11
Windows 7 64-bit
- Chrome 24
- Firefox 17
- IE 8
- IE 9
- IE 10
- IE 11
Windows 8 64-bit
- Chrome 24
- Firefox 17
- IE 10
Windows 8.1 64-bit
- IE 11
Mac OS X 10.6
- Firefox 17
- Safari 5
Mac OS X 10.7
- Firefox 17
- Safari 5
- Safari 6
Mac OS X 10.8
- Safari 6