Browser Compatibility

To ensure an optimal experience while using any of Emory University's PeopleSoft OPUS systems, please ensure you are using one of these browsers:

Apple Safari for Mac14.x (minimum)
Apple Safari on iOS14.x (minimum)
Google Chrome for Windows106.x (minimum)
Google's current stable release
Google Chrome on Android10.x (minimum)
Google's current stable release

Microsoft Edge (Chromium)

106.x (minimum)

Mozilla Firefox (for Windows, or RHEL OS)102 ESR (minimum)
Mozilla's current stable release
plus their ESR

Clearing Your Browser's Cache

Your web browser caches images and other page elements to make the page load faster. Many times, when a change is made to a website, the change may not appear when you refresh the page. This is because the web browser is showing you an old, cached version of the web page. To solve this problem, you need to clear your browser's cache and refresh the page. Follow the links below to clear your browser's cache

BrowserLink for instructions
Apple Safari for MacSafari Help
Apple Safari on iOSSafari Help
Google Chrome for WindowsComputer
Google Chrome on AndroidAndroid
Google Chrome for iOSiOS
Microsoft EdgeMicrosoft Support
Microsoft Internet ExplorerMicrosoft Support
Mozilla Firefox (for Windows, or RHEL OS)Mozilla Support

Please contact the IT Service Desk at (404) 727-7777 if you have any questions about browser compatibility.