Staff-Faculty Technology Support
OIT Client Services provides managed and advanced IT services with a wide configuration of support options for faculty and staff in departments and divisions across campus.
This team of IT professionals is adept at desktop computing and software administration and includes skilled troubleshooters who can quickly resolve technical problems when they arise. Their IT Service packages range from basic to advanced, offering clients a suite of technical and maintenance options tailored to their specific needs.
Client Services works the IT front lines, with the resources, support and know-how to keep campus computing safe and secure in support of Emory’s academic mission.
This IT team often deals directly with end users. Its service packages allow departments to either limit user privileges to University-owned computer or expand administrator rights, allowing employees greater freedom to install software, manage system settings and perform upgrades.
These service options are negotiated and administered by Service Level Agreements (SLAs), which are contracts that specify the types and range of services to be delivered and what they will cost.
Client Services SLAs address managed and advanced systems with support options for Academic and other departments on campus. Services also include Kiosk Systems -- imaged computers configured for labs and classrooms, management of iPads and other mobile devices with standard software applications and Printer Services, for both local and networked machines. (See the “What Are the Service Costs” box for pricing information.)